Aptible Hosted Pricing

The Aptible Hosted option allows organizations to provision infrastructure fully hosted by Aptible. This is ideal for organizations that prefer not to manage their own infrastructure and/or are looking to quickly get started. With this offering, the Aptible platform fee and infrastructure costs are wrapped into a simple, usage-based pricing model.

Get started in minutes

Instantly deploy apps & databases

Simple pricing, fully on-demand

Pay-as-you-go, no contract required

Fast track compliance

Infrastructure for ready for HIPAA, SOC 2, HITRUST & more

On-Demand Pricing

General Purpose Containers$0.08/GB RAM/hour
CPU-Optimized Containers$0.10/GB RAM/hour
RAM-Optimized Containers$0.05/GB RAM/hour
Database Storage (Disk)$0.20/GB/month
Database IOPS$0.01/IOPS after the first 3,000 IOPs/month (included)
Database Backups$0.02/GB/month
Shared StackFree
Dedicated Stack$499/Stack/month
Endpoints (Load Balancers)$0.05/endpoint/hour
VPN$99/VPN peer/month
Security & Compliance
HIDS ReportingContact us

Enterprise and Volume Pricing

Aptible offers discounts for Enterprise and volume agreements. All agreements require a 12-month commitment. Contact us to request a quote.

Self Hosted Pricing

This offering is currently in limited release. Request early access here.

The Self Hosted offering allows companies to host the Aptible platform directly within their own AWS accounts. This is ideal for organizations that already existing AWS usage or organizations interested in host their own infrastructure. With this offering, you pay Aptible a platform fee, and your infrastructure costs are paid directly to AWS.

Unified Infrastructure

Manage your AWS infrastructure in your own account

Infrastructure costs paid directly to AWS

Leverage AWS discount and credit programs

Full access to AWS tools

Unlock full access to tools and services within AWS marketplace

On-Demand and Enterprise Pricing

All pricing for our Self Hosted offering is custom. This allows us to tailor agreements designed for organizations of all sizes.

Support Plans

All Aptible customers receive access to email support with our Customer Reliability team. Our support plans give you additional access to things like increased targetted response times, 24x7 urgent support, Slack support, and a designated technical resources from the Aptible team.



Standard support with our technical experts. Recommended for the average production workload.



Faster response times with our technical experts. Recommended for average production workloads, with escalation ability.



Dedicated team of technical experts. Recommended for critical production workloads that require 24x7 support. Includes a Technical Account Manager and Slack support.

Get StartedIncludedContact usContact us
Target Response Time
Low Priority2 Business Days2 Business Days2 Business Days
Normal Priority1 Business Day1 Business Day1 Business Day
High Priority1 Business Day3 Business Hours3 Business Hours
Urgent Priority1 Business Day3 Business Hours1 Calendar Hour
Support Options
Email and Zendesk Support✔️✔️✔️
Slack Support (for Low/Normal)--✔️
24/7 Support (for Urgent)--✔️
Production Readiness Reviews--✔️
Architectural Reviews--✔️
Technical Account Manager--✔️
Aptible is committed to best-in-class uptime for all customers regardless of support plan. Aptible will make reasonable efforts to ensure your services running in Dedicated Environments are available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage of at least 99.95%. This means that we guarantee our customers will experience no more than 21.56 min/month of Unavailability.
Unavailability, for app services and databases, is when our customer’s service or database is not running or not reachable due to Aptible’s fault. Details on our commitment to uptime and company level SLAs can be found here. The following Support plans and their associated target response times are for roadblocks that customers may run into while Aptible Services are up and running as expected.