Available Versions

The following versions of InfluxDB are currently available:

VersionStatusEnd-Of-Life DateDeprecation Date
1.4Deprecating (EOL)N/AOctober 31, 2024
1.7Deprecating (EOL)N/AOctober 31, 2024
For databases on EOL versions, Aptible will prevent new databases from being provisioned and mark existing database as DEPRECATED on the deprecation date listed above. While existing databases will not be affected, we recommend end-of-life databases to be upgraded. The latest version offered on Aptible will always be available for provisioning, regardless of end-of-life date.

Accessing data in InfluxDB using Grafana

Grafana is a great visualization and monitoring tool to use with InfluxDB. For detailed instructions on deploying Grafana to Aptible, follow this tutorial: Deploying Grafana on Aptible.


Contact Aptible Support if you need to change the configuration of an InfluxDB database on Aptible.

Connection Security

Aptible InfluxDB Databases support connections via the following protocols:

  • For InfluxDB version 1.4, 1.7, and 1.8: TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2


Clustering is not available for InfluxDB databases since this feature is not available in InfluxDB’s open-source offering.