Available Versions

Due to Elastic licensing changes, newer versions of Elasticsearch will not be available on Aptible. 7.10 will be the final version offered, with no deprecation date.

The following versions of Elasticsearch are currently available:

VersionStatusEnd-Of-Life DateDeprecation Date
2.XDeprecating (EOL)N/AOctober 31, 2024
5.XDeprecating (EOL)N/AOctober 31, 2024
7.XDeprecating (EOL)N/AOctober 31, 2024
For databases on EOL versions, Aptible will prevent new databases from being provisioned and mark existing database as DEPRECATED on the deprecation date listed above. While existing databases will not be affected, we recommend end-of-life databases to be upgraded. The latest version offered on Aptible will always be available for provisioning, regardless of end-of-life date.

Connecting to Elasticsearch

For Elasticsearch 6.8 or earlier: Elasticsearch is accessible over HTTPS, with HTTPS basic authentication.

For Elasticsearch 7.0 or later: Elasticsearch is accessible over HTTPS, with Elasticsearch’s native authentication mechanism.

The aptible user provided by the Database Credentials is the only user available by default and is configured with the Elasticsearch Role of superuser. You may manage the password of any Elasticsearch Built-in user if you wish and otherwise manage all aspects of user creation and permissions, with the exception of the aptible user.

Elasticsearch Databases deployed on Aptible use a valid certificate for their host, so you’re encouraged to verify the certificate when connecting.

Subscription Features

For Elasticsearch 7.0 or later: Formerly referred to as X-pack features, your Elastic Stack subscription will determine the features available in your Deploy Elasticsearch Database. By default, you will have the “Basic” features. If you purchase a license from Elastic, you may update your license at any time.


Some Elasticsearch plugins may be installed by request. Contact Aptible Support if you need a particular plugin.


Elasticsearch Databases can be configured with Elasticsearch’s Cluster Update Settings API. Changes made to persistent settings will persist across Database restarts.

Deploy will automatically set the JVM heap size to 50% of the container’s memory allocation, per Elastic’s recommendation.


For Elasticsearch 7.0 or later, you can easily deploy Elastic’s official Kibana image as an App on Aptible.

How to set up Kibana on Aptible

Log Rotation

For Elasticsearch 7.0 or later: if you’re using Elasticsearch to hold log data, you may need to periodically create new log indexes. By default, Logstash and our Log Drains will create new indexes daily. As the indexes accumulate, they will require more disk space and more RAM. Elasticsearch allocates RAM on a per-index basis, and letting your logs retention grow unchecked will likely lead to fatal issues when the Database runs out of RAM or disk space.

To avoid this, we recommend using a combination of Elasticsearch’s native features to ensure you don’t accumulate too many open indexes:

How to set up Elasticsearch Log Rotation

Connection Security

Aptible Elasticsearch Databases support connections via the following protocols:

  • For all Elasticsearch versions 6.8 and earlier: SSLv3, TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2
  • For all Elasticsearch versions 7.0 and later: TLSv1.1TLSv1.2